重新定义全球供应链, 转向可持续生产, and new product innovation and manufacturing are proving to be catalysts for change. 而美国的主导地位, 中国, and 欧洲 as automotive heavyweights is not expected to diminish in the near future, 竞争中心正在世界舞台上占据一席之地. 

在短短十年里, 摩洛哥的汽车行业出现了爆炸式增长, 到2023年,占该国经济活动的近四分之一. 该国也是非洲最大的汽车出口国. This rapid growth means 摩洛哥 is now a key production hub for foreign investors in the automotive industry, with a supply chain of 250 global players and SMEs serving automotive facilities in 75 global export destinations. 


The country's strategic plan estimates that production capacity will reach one million cars per year by 2025 and two million by 2030. 获得锂等电池的关键自然资源, 钴, 锰, 和磷酸盐, 摩洛哥还打算成为电动汽车乐博彩票官方app的主要参与者. 

摩洛哥's strategic geographic position offers easy access to key markets in 欧洲, 中东, and 非洲; this logistical advantage is emerging as a unique strength in the global supply chain puzzle that many companies are looking to solve. 

支持汽车工业的发展, the government has implemented policies aimed at encouraging foreign investment, 比如税收优惠和精简的官僚程序. 另外, 政府对基础设施进行了投资, including the creation of two main industrial platforms: the construction of a new port in Tangier, 促进出口,并在肯尼亚建立第二个, both enjoying free zone status which means companies operating in them over the next five years will be exempt from corporation tax.  后 税率上限为8%.未来20年的比例是75%, 预计主要汽车制造商在非洲的投资将会增加, thanks to financial incentives and multiple free trade agreements with the 欧洲an Union and the US. This, in turn, is expected to have a positive impact on export activity in the country. 


短期内, 行业增长被视为首要目标, however the long-term goal is to decarbonise the industry and vehicle production to create a sustainable global hub. 支持这方面的投资已经开始,并将于2022年11月开始, the Stellantis Group announced plans to invest EUR 300 million to double production capacity at its Kenitra factory to 400,000个单位. 配备电动动力系统的Citroën C3, will be one of the first vehicles to roll off the production line as part of the Smart Car Platform. Dacia have also announced that their next generation Sandero, a 100% BEV, will be built in 摩洛哥. 

Automotive manufacturers operating in 摩洛哥 are aware that it is critical to increase and integrate local suppliers across the value chain; Renault has stated that around 60% of their final product is sourced locally, 包括座椅和车轴. 然而, 对于所有的制造商和整个行业, 挑战将是如何在本地采购高价值组件, 包括电池,最终, 动力系统. 


一些乐博彩票官方app公司正受益于较早进入乐博彩票官方app, establishing factories and distribution hubs in the country and integrating into the wider automotive value chain. 乐博彩票官方app的专业知识, 技术, 创新已经, and will continue to be in demand as the fast-evolving market looks to leap-frog legacy production methods and evolve as a key hub in the global automotive landscape. 

What is clear is that 摩洛哥 is quickly becoming the place to be for automotive industry players looking to expand their production, 销售, 使他们的供应链多样化.  

你准备好探索摩洛哥的潜力了吗? Our local team have extensive knowledge and local networks that can help you take advantage of the country’s vast resources, 战略位置, 增长潜力. 

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